CUDIT® Concentric Hitting
Coach Mike Rudge
Coach Mike Rudge is a C.U.D.I.T. certified hitting coach serving the Northern New Jersey area. He has a passion for the mindset side of hitting. He believes that the science of hitting must first be mastered from within. His life experience has brought him down a path of self development and understanding about how all areas of life are connected. He has a passion for seeing young athletes beam with confidence once they realize how capable they really are.
Coach Mike comes from a lifetime of self employment in the Automotive industry. His current business involves everything automotive from towing and mechanical repair, to auto body and collision repair, and restoration services. He has been self employed since the age of 19 and feels that the lessons he has learned over the past 30 years easily transfer over to sports, especially a mentally tough game like softball and baseball. The one lesson you will always hear him teach is "Never, EVER, give up!", because that is how business and sports work.
Coach Mike has 7 years of team coaching experience. He currently manages a 12U travel program that has developed out of a very special group of little league players that have formed an amazing bond together. He has coached T-Ball all the way to all-stars. Mike loves to work on team development, and help each individual player progress to be their very best. He has a very keen eye for players that have passion.
This often leads to him cheering for the wrong team. This is a tough sport, but never giving up and breaking things down in way that is understandable and applicable is his priority. Coach Mike thinks that with the right mindset any player can become invaluable to a team setting. He chose CUDIT concentric hitting simply because it is the most elite style of coaching and it just plain makes sense. He offers a unique approach to young athletes as a strong role model and mentor. Power, Passion, Purpose and Production.